Sunday, January 21, 2018

Professor Ziedan on Saladin - Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem is not, and cannot be, the real one

Professor Ziedan on Saladin - Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem is not, and cannot be, the real one

Saladin one of the most despicable figures in human history.”

By Hugh Fitzgerald, PAMELA GELLER  – on January 19, 2018
The Egyptian scholar and historian of medieval Islam, Professor Youssef Ziedan, recently caused a great deal of controversy in Muslim Arab circles, roiling the waters when he put forth, on an Egyptian talk show, his argument as go why the “Al-Aqsa” mosque in Jerusalem is not, and cannot be, the real one. Professor Ziedan pointed out that there were no mosques in Jerusalem during Muhammad’s lifetime, that the Umayyad Caliph, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, completed the mosque in Jerusalem in 705 CE, 73 years after the death of Muhammad, and began to identify that structure as the “al-Aqsa” mosque mentioned in the Qur’an (17:1) for political reasons. Because his main rival, Abdallah ibn Zubayr, had control over, and derived great prestige among Muslims as a result, the two holiest mosques, in Mecca and Medina, Abd al-Malik wanted at least to possess the “Al-Aqsa” mosque, as the third holiest site in Islam. He simply identified the mosque he had built as that mentioned in the Qur’an as “the farthest mosque.” Professor Ziedan claims that the real Al-Aqsa mosque was on the road between Mecca and Ta’if, information which he found in the historian and early biographer of Muhammad, al-Waqidi. Naturally, Zeidan’s argument continues to stir up indignation — though, interestingly, nothing about it has yet appeared in the mainstream Western press — but no one has successfully rebutted his  conclusions about the al-Aqsa mosque.
Ziedan, who has a habit of saying what he believes to be true, has also infuriated many Arabs with another of his public declarations. Last May, in a television interview, he described Saladin as  “one of the most despicable figures in human history.”
.Salahuddin Ayyubi (or Saladin) is  one of the most esteemed Muslim figures of the medieval Islamic world, most importantly for taking back Jerusalem from the Crusaders by winning the battle of Hattin in 1187.    
Yet Ziedan did not hold back from voicing quite a different view. He had been asked his opinion of Egyptian films on Islamic history, and among his examples of  “historic fallacies” about Islam, he said the way Saladin was portrayed in current Islamic history did not reflect “his brutality against the Fatimids,” the founders of the Shi’a Islamic Caliphate that ruled Egypt and Syria in the 12th century. Saladin, though a Sunni, had been given key posts by the Shi’a Fatimid rulers of Egypt, but instead of being grateful, he managed to consolidate his power, overthrew the Fatimids, and destroyed them.  
“Salahuddin is one of the most despicable figures in human history,” Ziedan told interviewer Amr Adeeb. “He committed crimes against the Fatimids.”  “Ziedan claimed that Saladin had isolated women from men [among the former rulers] in that era to prevent any descendants of the Fatimids in Egypt.
“He also said that Saladin ‘burnt one of the most important libraries in the world back then, located in Cairo,’ under the pretext of ‘confronting the Shiite ideology.’”
The reason why this image of Saladin is not common among today’s Muslim community is “intentionally political,” according to Ziedan (by this, Ziedan means that Saladin, as the peerless warrior who re-took Jerusalem from the Infidels, should be an exemplar for Arabs today).
Ziedan’s interview angered some Egyptian historians and scholars, who denounced his claims and questioned his motives in attacking esteemed figures in the history of Islam. He did not attack “esteemed figures,” but, rather, one figure, Saladin. He did not question Saladin’s feats as a military leader, but he found unforgivable his physical destruction of the Fatimids, his killing not just rulers but their whole families, including children, and setting alight important repositories of Islamic civilization, the libraries — including one especially irreplaceable library — of the Fatimids in Cairo.
The attacks on Ziedan were not based on anything he had said about Saladin that was untrue. No one denied that Saladin had used the position granted to him by the Fatimids to consolidate his own power and then to destroy those same Fatimids who had, despite his being a Sunni, trusted him with high office. He was criticized for not treating Saladin as an Islamic military hero, and therefore not to be attacked, regarded — no matter what else he might have done — as always beyond reproach. Zubeida Attallah, a professor of modern history at Egypt’s Ain Shams University, said: “Why do we attack our symbolic figures and the values that we possess?” in reference to Saladin, whom she recalled as a distinguished historical figure and “the hero of the Battle of Hattin, during which he fought the Crusaders and took back Jerusalem.”    
The figure of Saladin in the West has been that of the chivalrous warrior. This account, found in Sir Walter Scott’s The Talisman, was entirely fictional, as Scott knew, but he was more interested in romanticizing the past than in engaging in the kind of historical investigation that might have uncovered a sometimes disturbing truth. In his study, Sir Walter Scott’s Crusades and Other Fantasies, Ibn Warraq has chapters on Saladin, “Walter Scott, The Talisman, the Crusades, Richard I of England” and “Saladin: Myths, Legends and History,” in which, among much other useful debunking, he notes that Scott made much of the putative friendship between Saladin and Richard the Lion-Hearted. In reality, the two never met.      
Ibn Warraq adduces the account by the 12th-century historian William of Tyre, who initially depicted Saladin favorably but then, as he learned more, changed his view. William later portrayed Saladin “as an ambitious enemy treacherously bludgeoning the [Fatimid] caliph to death and running through all his progeny with a sword, and as a usurper devoid of all human feeling. The same author also points to the sultan’s humble origin and attributes his political ascent to chance rather than inheritance.” The myth in the West of Saladin as a chivalrous and fearless warrior still exists; in the Islamic East, there is less about his chivalry, more about his skill as a warrior. Saladin’s cruel treatment of the Fatimids “and their progeny,” that William of Tyre and Youssef Ziedan both mention, is hardly known in either the Christian West or the Islamic East; it would undermine the hagiographic versions favored by both.              
Youssef Ziedan has certainly caused a welcome stir in still waters both with his discussion of what formerly was undiscussable — the authenticity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem — and in refuting the received view of Saladin as a chivalrous warrior for Islam. I found his arguments in both cases compelling, his bravery in publicly stating them, to a Muslim Arab audience, admirable. There are deliberate efforts to keep his views from being disseminated outside Egypt. It is up to us to make Professor Youssef Ziedan, and his arguments, known more widely among Muslims, and in the West. Both his critical remarks on Saladin, as presented in this piece, and his startling argument about Al-Aqsa, that has been discussed previously at this site, will — one hopes — become better known, and provide a salutary shock to the system for Muslim True Believers. And eye-opening, too, for Western non-Muslims. Professor Ziedan has earned the right to a hearing. Let’s make sure he gets it.           
Pamela Geller’s shocking new book, “FATWA: HUNTED IN AMERICA” is now available on Amazon. It’s Geller’s tell all, her story – and it’s every story – it’s what happens when you stand for freedom today. Buy it. Now. Here.                   

A most interesting and enlightening piece of true history…history, for a change true.
The structure Abd El Malik is reputed to have built, is none other than the Dome. But according to Arab historians, and archaeologists, he didn’t build it as a mosque but as a Meeting House open to the four compass directions so that people were encouraged to come there from all sides instead of looking to Mecca for their allegiance.
At the time, Abd El Malik was fighting a war against the Mecca governor Quitaybah who had rebelled against his succession. El Malik won, becoming over-all ruler.
The historian Procopius says that the Al Aksa Mosque was refurbished about 20 years after the Dome being originally a Byzantine church named “The Church St. Mary Justin”, built in 560, and El Malik only added an onion shaped dome to the roof and named it the Al Aksa Mosque. Many years later, when the Crusaders captured the city, they used the Dome as a church and the Mosque as a palace… Hundreds of feet separate them from one another.
The Muslims of recent years have enlarged the grounds surrounding the Mosque until it encompasses the whole top of the Mount, just so that they can negate the Jewish Temples as being Jewish and negate that the Mount is Holy only because of the Temples and the previous 2500 year old Jewish traditions of the Mount.
The Muslims…their lies and fantasies know no bounds, just as long as they can eradicate-in their own gas filled minds- any connection of the Jews to the Mount. I don’t think that anyone believes them except themselves, but go-along, from Jew-hate, carelessness and ignorance.. .

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dr. M. Cohen (Guest): Thank you Mr. Draiman for bringing up the 1 Million Jew’s who lived in the Middle East and in North Africa way before the Arab invasion.

Dr. M. Cohen (Guest):

Thank you Mr. Draiman for bringing up the 1 Million Jew’s who lived in the Middle East and in North Africa way before the Arab invasion. 

I am one of those Jews who had to leave behind a life we had built with hard work. In the International Zone of Tangier in northern Morocco, there were:
25,000 Jews
25 Synagogues
1 Jewish Hospital
1 Maternity Clinic
2 Jewish Retirement Homes
Over 100 of high-rise buildings
Over 2000 residences, from apartments to palatial villas
Over 1000 Businesses, Warehouses, Industries, etc. etc...
Hundreds of Farms, Millions of acres of Land
Over 30 Jewish Schools (Alliance Israelite Universelle)
As soon as the International Status was removed in 1956, Arab 
Terrorism started, expropriations started, new laws enacted like 
the one forcing Jewish Businesses to take a Muslim partner with
zero financial participation. The Jewish Hospital, decommissioned
since the 1960’s (all taxes paid in full and on time) 5 years ago had
the whole hospital roof destroyed so as to force the demolition of
the property.
In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s over 200,000 Jewish men women 
and children were housed in Tangier in 6 Hotels and gradually were
sent to Israel via Marseilles. At the beginning emigration was
allowed, however later-on the Jewish Community had to pay
money for each person.
Morocco, it was mostly pay and be allowed to leave. The worst
was in Iraq where night visits from the Police were a daily occurrence:
Jews lost their careers, their homes, bank accounts, to terrorize the
Jewish population, a crane was brought in front of the house of the
head of the Jewish Community of Baghdad: this influential man was
hanged at the end of the crane boom for everyone to see.
Jews were allowed to leave on certain dates so long as they left
everything behind. At the airport in Baghdad, there were scenes of
extreme desolation took place where the little money they could
carry was confiscated, wedding rings removed, even ladies earrings were yanked out of their ear lobes, As a result, these dispossessed Jews arrived in Israel with only the clothes on their backs, Yes, I witnessed the whole sordid affair.
Arab-Palestine is the biggest HOAX ever perpetrated in modern times.
3000 years ago, 
Jerusalem was founded by King David. Jerusalem was, is and forever will be the Capital of the State of Israel.
The Arab-Palestinians like most Arabs are fanatics, lazy, murderers, irrational, violent, eternal beggars, who will never sign a Peace Deal and abide by it because making peace would do the following:
1. Remove their quest to capture all of 
2. Drying up of continuous funds by stupid Europeans and others who are too
imbued in anti-Semitism so as to perpetrate their hate of Jews.
But, here is the problem for all these people:
Israelis have more steel in their blood, more than any Muslim.
The times where Jews were the victims is no more. Never Again!
What happened in 
Israel is a population substitution: Jewish families expelled from Arab countries in various levels of terror arrived in Israel and the so-called Arab-Palestinians left.
Jews moved-on and prospered because that is what we Jews do, while the Arabs are still lingering, generation after generation, in misery of their own doing.

Friday, December 16, 2016

A Jerusalem church was destroyed by Muslims two weeks ago. No one reported it.

This is what the Living Bread Church looked like two weeks ago.

Here is how the church described the event:
The team went to lunch and the terrorist came in through the window under the direction of Hussam. When the police came 'Alaa, the extremeist' told them 'i ask him to remodel.' He took all our personal items, musical instruments, camera equipment, and many computers. They burnt our bibles and made huge fires with our personal items from the church.

They have been digging tunnels in this area of Damascus Gate for awhile. We witnessed them digging under the Nuseibah home at the bus station. When we caught them digging outside- under the church they threatened to kill us all. The chopped up floor as you can see- the militants may use this to access their tunnels. Over the past years we took pictures of them- while in the church they put a board over my window so i would quit watching them in the night hours. a couple years ago they beat me up and left me for dead in front of the church. I was a prisoner inside the church for 5 1/2 months.

Presently, no matter what we do the police appear to be more afraid of Hussam than we are. Even last tribulation when i got a retraining order against him - his men beat me for getting the order. Even to bring a court order when you hand it over to those in lawlessness- they are not going to respond to it.

The property is owned by ten owners in the Dajani family. Hussam won in court 3% and has violently taken over the property. We as Living Bread International Church have a 20 year lease and have paid our rent by bank wire in advance. Sorry, to say being a Christian- makes your case of little value to men in this land. As we know- when our case reaches the courts of heaven our God will fight for us and HE has never lost a battle. We wait on the Lord - what next Lord?
 It seems to be a dispute over who has rights to the building.

I have a feeling we are not hearing the full story, but no matter what, this was a major attack that for some reason went below the radar of virtually every media outlet until yesterday.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel. 

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Friday, June 24, 2016

Gaza - Luxury in the world’s largest prison!

Gaza - Luxury in the world’s largest prison!

The Arab world and Leftists would have you believe Gaza is a living hell, with every commodity and necessity of life absent.
When one looks however, it is a whole different scenario.

Gaza City

Peter Hitchens in the Mail Online writes:coffee
”It is lunchtime in the world’s biggest prison camp, and I am enjoying a rather good café latte in an elegant beachfront cafe. Later I will visit the sparkling new Gaza Mall, and then eat an excellent beef stroganoff in an elegant restaurant. “
This piece started out as a ‘sort of’ fun-cum-sarcastic piece being aware of the quantity of 5-star hotels, the nightclubs, shopping malls, restaurants and more in Gaza.  However, as I searched for images and information, I came across a whole other side of Gaza which I don’t think many people know exists.

Gaza City

Roots Club is an up-market restaurant and catering company in Gaza. Critics said at its opening they expect the restaurant to bring “a new era of hospitality and dining experience”
The club is located on Cairo Street in the Gaza district of Rimal. It features three different dining venues, the informal, outdoor Green Terrace Café, the Ambassadorcatering hall and the air-conditioned Roots Restaurant. One restaurant reviewer described the atmosphere as “vaguely reminiscent of the Anglo-Indian country-clubs of the colonial era.”

A reviewer called the menu, which features twelve different meat dishes, chicken prepared thirteen different ways, and eight pasta preparations in addition to an array of salads, appetizers, desserts, and nine kinds of soup served “only in winter,” truly staggering.
Lonely Planet calls the Roots Club, “the best” restaurant in Gaza
There is now also a ‘Roots Hotel’  facebook here:   Check out the photos
There is  plethora of restaurants and coffee shops, too numerous to list and most with their own facebook pages.
The Mazaj – Restaurant – Coffee shop – Express (take away) has an extensive menu and is a splendid example of what one would never expect to see in Gaza.
Something which certainly surprised me were the horse riding establishments in Gaza.

Palestina Jaber, 15, from Gaza, thinks that riding horses provides her with courage and a positive attitude for studying. (Photo: Sami Abu Salem/WAFA)

The Faisal Equestrian Club (نادي الفيصل للفروسية‎) is an equestrian club and upscale restaurant in Gaza. According to the Australian newspaper ‘The Age’, the Club’s restaurant is
                          “The place to be seen for Gaza’s teenage elite.”
The Club serves non-alcoholic Bavarian beer to a wealthy, young, secular crowd, among whom
                            “Headscarves are frowned upon.”

Inside the  Jabaliya riding club in the north of Gaza, there are neat lawns and stalls for 40 to 50 horses, many of which are privately owned. Like the villas and luxury cars, they are proof that not everyone in Gaza is poverty-stricken.
And yet, the only images brought to us by the international media are those of death and destruction by the ‘Zionists’ read ‘Jews.’
Call it a wealthy side, call it an elite side.  It certainly is a privileged side and certainly not the ordinary image. The side which the media presents is no doubt in existence, but choose for propaganda reasons only to show the bad.

Luxury hotel overlooking Gaza Beach

This brings something back a friend told me after a visit to Israel a few years ago. She had been staying with a family member in Jerusalem. Late one afternoon, he told her that he had invited his foreman with his wife to dinner.  She was however surprised when the foreman turned out to be an Arab, complete with hijabbed wife. Still no issue. She speaks no Hebrew, but being raised in Egypt, she speaks Arabic and so was able to converse with him.
The conversation was quite an eye opener. For lack of a name, let’s call him Malik. Malik told her how proud he was to be an Israeli, what a good life he and his family have. How his children have free education, free medical needs and the chance for further education, though not before completing their IDF service. Malik however became quite angry when he spoke about ‘do-gooders & leftists’ from the West who interfered. He told her about Gaza. He told her how parts of Gaza are deliberately left in ruins, so that when the  ‘do-gooders & leftists’ come to look at the shocking condition people live in thanks to the ‘Zionist entity’, they can take home the negative images we see in the west.
What we hear about the misuse of international aid fits in here very nicely.
Admittedly this is not new, 2002, but “Paying for Terrorism” by Rachel Ehrenfeld says plenty and there is no reason to believe anything has changed since the Arafat days, who left quite a money trail behind him.
Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the international community has donated approximately $5 billion to the Palestinian Authority. The European Union alone has donated approximately €1.4 billion during that time, including grants to United Nations Relief and Work Agency. Since the start of the Palestinian Authority’s campaign of violence against Israel in September 2000, the EU has transferred at least €330 million to the Palestinian territories.
More recent news here at Middle East Forum. U.S. Foreign Aid to the PalestiniansThe Jewish Chronicle on line – £2bn in aid that the EU has given the Palestinian Authority over the past five years has been squandered through corruption and mismanagement.
This article from 2012 “How Many Millionaires Live in the “Impoverished” Gaza Strip?” byKhaled Abu Toameh throws a good deal of light on Gaza.
The world often thinks of the Gaza Strip, home to 1.4 million Palestinians, as one of the poorest places on earth, where people live in misery and squalor.
But according to an investigative report published in the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, there are at least 1,700 millionaires living in the Gaza Strip. The newspaper report also refutes the claim that the Gaza Strip has been facing a humanitarian crisis because of an Israeli blockade.
The Palestinian millionaires, according to the report, have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
Informed Palestinian sources revealed that every day, in addition to weapons, thousands of tons of fuel, medicine, various types of merchandise, vehicles, electrical appliances, drugs, medicine and cigarettes are smuggled into the Gaza Strip through more than 400 tunnels. A former Sudanese government official who visited the Gaza Strip lately was quoted as saying that he found basic goods that were not available in Sudan. Almost all the tunnels are controlled by the Hamas government, which has established a special commission to oversee the smuggling business, which makes the Hamas government the biggest benefactor of the smuggling industry.

Gaza City

Gaza boasts some eight universities as well as other institutes of learning all having curriculums equivalent to any international university.

Gaza Islamic University
Al-Aqsa University

The beaches in Gaza are some of the finest in that part of the world, where according toynet news we have a definite class distinction issue. Those with money clearly having an advantage regarding luxury
A new class division has emerged with the adoption of the Israeli model of closed beaches, which have turned into status symbols
A Beit Hanoun resident told Ynet that he and his family spend the afternoon on the beach, bringing with them food, drinks, and blankets and paying only for the travel fare. However, he noted that his wife’s dream is to spend one day in the newly-introduced beach cabins.
 As a way of tackling the financial state, the Strip has begun renting out beaches to private owners for up to thousands of dollars.

Parasols and chairs. Beach for the middle-class.

The Beit Hanoun resident explained that there are a variety of closed beaches, the cheapest of which charge NIS 10 ($ 2.63) upon entry and provide parasols and chairs. Others charge NIS 15 ($3.94) per person, while all other services are subject to payment.
“You would have to pray to get away with less than NIS 200 ($ 52.53) for such an evening and that’s something that few can afford,” he noted.
 Finally, there are the expensive canopied beaches which offer giant TV screens and a waiter serving food and drinks.
Consequently, three groups emerged on Gaza’s beaches:
“The poor ones who sit on blankets with food from home; those who can afford renting out chairs and parasols; and the very few, the spoiled rich, who sit in roofed cabins with giant screens and a waiter serving food and drinks.”

Gaza – Festival of the kites

Then for the wealthy, we have luxurious beach side hotels catching the beautiful ocean views, far, far superior to  the image the Leftists would have us see of Gaza.
5 star Al-Mashtal Hotel
5 star Al-Mashtal Hotel – Video link

Al Deira Hotel

                                                                                                Al Deira Hotel – pps
The hotel has received a number of very positive reviews in Time magazine, by British journalist Alan Johnston and by Lonely Planet which describes the Al Deira as “swish, stylish and tightly run,” and “without question the best hotel in town.”
Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg has said that in the evenings
“it brimmed over with members of haute Palestine, that small clique of Gazans who earned more than negligible incomes. The men smoked apple-flavored tobacco from water pipes; the women, their heads covered, drank strong coffee and kept quiet.”

Grand Palace Hotel

Then there is the Olympic Swimming Pool in Gaza. Given that Gaza supposedly has no building materials and no funds, the obvious questions are where did they get the money and where did they get the building materials?
To cap it off what about one of the Water Parks? I might add newly refurbished, because some time ago Hamas, in its infinite wisdom, caused massive damage to it as they didn’t like the fact men and women were associating with one another. The mind boggles.!

Dolphin Resortfacebook
                                                          Good photos at IsraellyCool

The Elder of Ziyon blogspot tells us there are 5 amusement parks in Gaza, amongst other things.
We hear about the food shortages and yet the markets appear to have ample supply of fresh produce……
… with no shortage of food in the shops either.
The Other Side of Gaza is a writing programme that provides students with an opportunity to showcase their own personal view of Gaza.
Abdallah El-Khoudary describes the best things a good restaurant can give you, and nowhere is better for him in Gaza than the Avenue Restaurant. From the delicious scallopini and the wonderful waiters to the free internet and complimentary chocolate; the Avenue is a perfect retreat.
I’m proud to be in my country, and to rise the Palestinian flag, and to give the real image of Gaza to the people who visit it. Gaza is not just the damage and the shelters we see in the media. Gaza is a city, like any city in the world, with its own landmarks and places, it just needs its freedom.

Sunrise in Gaza: image by Mr.david.w.